Comments on: How to Be Financially Prepared for a Natural Disaster Sat, 07 Oct 2023 07:45:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alexa Mon, 13 May 2013 18:18:43 +0000 I absolutely recommend to have a “rainy-day” fund for situations like natural disasters! You never know what might happen, and you don’t want to be left broke. I have a savings account just in case anything of the sort happens. I use SavedPlus for automatic savings, just to have money coming in regularly in case of a fire, earthquake, or just loss of a job!

By: Mike@WeOnlyDoThisOnce Tue, 07 May 2013 15:14:16 +0000 Safe deposit boxes, on the other hard, are just a prone to natural disasters and banks will most likely be mobbed in the event of a serious issue. Your thoughts further?

By: Anton Ivanov | Dreams Cash True Tue, 07 May 2013 00:18:27 +0000 After reading Jeff’s article I realize I have more planning to do, even though my neighborhood isn’t common for natural disasters. You never know what is going to happen in the future!

By: Pretired Nick Mon, 06 May 2013 21:18:15 +0000 Good tips. And something it’s easy to forget to think about. The first thing I thought of when I saw your headline was your No. 1: Keep some cash in the house. That can come in very handy when the time comes.

By: krantcents Mon, 06 May 2013 19:38:25 +0000 Great list! I survived the Northridge earthquake! It had no financial consequences for me. A little planning and preparation goes a long way to resolvingg these kinds of problems.

By: Kurt @ Money Counselor Mon, 06 May 2013 14:23:37 +0000 These are good thoughts. We live in an area subject to regular mega-quakes, so these sorts of preparations are often on my mind. One I haven’t done yet is the safe deposit box. The sort of quake we’re expecting could be magnitude 9+, huge and devastating. My concern is the collapse–literally–of banks and that I may not get access to my safe deposit box for a long time, if ever. And some parts of our community–notably the downtown–are built on tailings from coal mining. Some predict this oceanside property will liquefy when The Big One hits and the ocean will reclaim the area. Again, not good for the prospects of a safe deposit box in the area. But I need to do something…

By: My Financial Independence Journey Mon, 06 May 2013 13:18:52 +0000 I actually did live though a natural disaster. I was without power for a week. The one thing that I wish I had was more cash on hand.

One kind of unusual way of being financially prepared is simply to own less stuff. I rent an apartment so I don’t really care if the place gets wrecked. I have an old car. I’ll be sad if it gets demolished, but it won’t be too expensive to replace. The list goes on.
