Comments on: Traditional IRA vs. 401(k) Plan – Which Plan Wins? Tue, 07 Nov 2023 01:32:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Vedder Wed, 24 Oct 2018 23:10:24 +0000 FYI…I found this site after googling “is a company 401k treated basically the same as an IRA?”

This is written wrong. “They charge high fees….” Really? That’s a generalization applied to all 401Ks and is crap. And this…”Yet another disadvantage of an employer-sponsored plan is fees.” Huh? What is the writer talking about? Here’s the truth. Some plans are not as good as others. Some plans do have high fees relative to the “low fee” plans; some plans don’t. What you should have done is investigate whether the “high fees” are enough to offset all the other 401K advantages. That would have been actually helpful to your readers. Also you should have stated exactly what you consider “high”.

Also, you write…”Very high contribution limit” when comparing Traditional IRAs to 401Ks. You might simply add “…and this is a good thing”. The average Joe (or Alice) might look at your statement (the way it’s written) that a high contribution limit is bad when, in fact, it’s the opposite.

In general, I’d give this article a 6.6/10. It could have been 9/10. Just leave out your opinions and words or phrases that generalize when a generalization is inappropriate.
